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And so we begin.

A blog is a blog is a blog.

Well, not all blogs are created equal. This blog is meant to make you think, to create conversation and to educate on the latest health and nutrition news. And to have fun with the knowledge you will gain. It’s empowering to know you can control your body… And your mind.

Let that sink in for a minute.

You. Are. In. Control. And that’s awesome. Gives all us control freaks an outlet and a pathway to success.

As this blog progresses we will share the latest health news, new foods, nutritional information, effects of the things you put into your body, motivational suggestions, an occasional recipe, reviews of fitness methodologies and just plain advice based on going through the learning experience for you. We would love to be a part of your daily routine and welcome conversation and contributions. We hope to inspire you, make you laugh and create a bond of health and wellness.

And, added bonus, as a subscriber of our blog, you become a VIP member and receive discounts to favorite local stores. Once you subscribe, we send you a savings pass that can be used over and over at participating businesses for that month.

Work hard, play hard. Repeat.

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