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Smooth It Out

Heels To Laces is on a mission to break through the clutter of health and fitness and make it easier to live healthier – and have a ton of fun doing it. As always, we love interaction so email us, comment, share and send your thoughts.

“The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, because when you give your time you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back.” ~unknown

Each post we will present you with a truth or dare. All you have to do is tackle it with gusto and make it happen. Often, by just focusing on one change…just one, it’s much more palpable and achievable and becomes the jump start you need.

DareGive it all you’ve got
Although it’s not officially holiday season, the season of giving is fast approaching. But why wait? We all know how it feels to receive – but giving is so good for the giver…dare we say even better than getting? It has the most miraculous way of making you feel centered, calm, happy, fulfilled and inspired.

Giving can be as simple as picking up the keys someone dropped, sending a text to someone that pops into your head letting them know your’re thinking of them, sending an unexpected little trinket in the mail, opening the door for someone, buying the person next to you a cup of coffee, volunteering for a neighborhood program or just writing a note (yes, hand-written).

It all counts.

We don’t claim to know everything – so sometimes we have to ask the experts:

What the Fascia?!
We have heard a lot about something called fascia lately – but what is it exactly? We are here to clear up the confusion. Well, Beth is. Beth Geller, the founder of Just Be Smooth Endermologie Studio, is an expert on fascia and sub-dermal treatments.

So here’s how Beth explains it – Fascia is a band of fibrous, connective tissue beneath the skin, primarily collagen, that attaches, stabilizes, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs.  They run throughout the body in 12 meridian lines (similar but not the same as acupuncture or Chinese Medicine meridians) that connect all parts of the body.  It acts like a glove that supports and connects the whole body.

It is important to keep fascia nice and loose to avoid stiffness and pain.  Especially if you train hard with running, jump roping, cross training or HIIT –  you want your fascia light, springy and flexible to avoid injuries. Loose fascia also helps muscles work more efficiently by being less constricted, which creates better blood flow.

Fascia is a direct correlation to cellulite. Cellulite, most often in women, is due to tight fascia, which creates dimples. Cellulite may form when there is excess water retention, poor blood circulation, enlarged fat cells or a hormone imbalance. But have no fear! There are cures! Fascia can be kept nice and flexible and in optimal condition by drinking enough water, regularly exercising (including yoga/pilates/barre/HIIT), foam rolling, stretching and endermologie treatments.

Basically, keeping your fascia loose and springy will help you with everything that you do; you will feel and look younger, healthier and more agile. One endermologie treatment can increase blood flow 400%, lymphatic drainage 300% and collagen production 27-100%. And because Beth is a friend of HtoL, she is passing on the discounted rate of $45 for your first time (psst…you just lie there and get massaged by the machine). Thanks, Beth. Beth@justbesmooth.com/ www.justbesmooth.com 

Cassava. We are not speaking Spanish (although it is Brazilian). Cassava has been getting more visibility lately as another gluten-free option, especially considering it has a low glycemic index (meaning glucose is released into the blood stream slower). Cassava, also known as manioc and yuca (not yucca), is a tropical root plant used in Asia, Africa and South America because it’s plentiful and inexpensive.  It is high in B-complex vitamins (B6, B5, B2), folate, thiamin and contains high performing minerals like zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium…whew.

Cassava is considered a resistant starch – which are said to be the healthiest kind of starch for your gut. Resistant starch feeds beneficial gut bacteria, can reduce inflammation and harmful bacteria. Bonus.

Here’s a cassava flour we like. And cassava chips, which we’ve bragged about before, we LOVE.

Sometimes, you just gotta have it.

Flip It and Reverse It
Winter = dry. Dry hair, dry nails, dry feet. It’s already starting and it’s maddening. We are always searching for THAT hair product that can take the straw look away and add some life and shine. We are happy to say we found one. NYR Organic is fair trade, fair wild, fair for life…just plain fair. And we like that. Their hair treatment is as pure as it gets and super affordable – and the results are amazing. You can leave it in anywhere from 30 min to overnight (we prefer the overnight). A little goes a looonnngggg way. If you want it even cheaper, simply email organic4framak@gmail.com for free shipping or 20% off (whichever is the better deal).

Put Up Your Dukes
As you know, at HtoL, we’re all homeopathic and stuff. And we have written blogs on natural cold remedies here, here and here. Well, there’s a newbie on the market that we swear by. This one little product has all the homeopathic remedies blended down into one powerful pill. It is a 5-day regimen that legit kicks a cold’s ass. Try to do the whole regimen (the entire jar). You will be amazed at it’s power.

Rest Assured
Sleep deprivation is said to equate to being intoxicated. Lack of sleep, and the need for more of it, is one of the most common denominators among us. In the latest Consumer Reports survey of 4,023 US adults, 27% said they had trouble falling asleep or staying asleep and a whopping 68% struggled with sleep at least one a week. We think it’s their bedding. This new-er company has made it their mission to help people sleep better with 100% organic, sustainably sourced, softer-than-soft bedding. We’re talking from sheets to duvets to now even mattresses. They have certainly done it right. And because they are friends (you could say family) of HtoL, they are offering our readers $50 off a $200 purchase (holidays, people!). Simply use code: BOLLH2L (ps. it expires on Nov 2nd!).

All of our recipes will always be quick, healthy, easy, gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free, mostly dairy-free, SCD legal and Paleo friendly. And yes, all sorts of deliciousness.

‘Tis the season…

Pumpkin Spiced Granola*

  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 1/2 cup pecans
  • 1/2 cup almonds
  • 1 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 1/2 cup flaked almonds
  • 1 cup coconut flakes
  • 1/3 cup raisins
  • 3/4 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1/3 cup melted coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup honey or maple syrup
  • 1/2 tsp ground cloves
  • 1 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp salt

– Preheat the oven to 300 degrees
– Place the walnuts, pecans and whole almonds (not flaked) in a food processor and pulse for a few seconds until the nuts have broken into small pieces (don’t over pulse them into a powder).
– Transfer the nuts to a large bowl and add in the pumpkin seeds, flaked almonds, coconut flakes and raisins.
– In a small bowl whisk together the pumpkin puree, melted coconut oil, honey and all of the spices and salt. Once well mixed, pour the liquid over the nut mixture and stir so that everything is  well coated.
– Spread the mixture evenly out on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 50 minutes to an hour, stirring every 15 minutes to ensure it evenly browns (don’t let it burn!).

Once everything is golden in colour, remove it from the oven and allow it to cool. The granola should become crunchy as it cools. Transfer to an airtight container.

Thank you for the recipe, EveryLastBite!

Are you lovin’ Heels To Laces? Please share. If you tell a friend and they tell a friend, and so on, and so on….think what an amazing community we will build. Sign up here. Follow us on Facebook and Insta. 

PS. We love you too.

Have a product you’d like us to try and review for potential inclusion in our newsletter? Simply contact us: info@heelstolaces.com

Let the fun continue…Follow us on Instagram & Facebook to get daily doses of inspiration, knowledge & recipes.

Disclosure: some product recommendations are affiliate sites, which simply means we get a small compensation from the companies that sell the products we endorse. We will never endorse a product we do not personally use or love. Opinions expressed are solely those of Heels To Laces.
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When In Doubt, Don’t…

Heels To Laces is on a mission to break through the clutter of health and fitness and make it easier to live healthier – and have a ton of fun doing it.

As always, we love interaction so email us, comment, share and send your thoughts.

“I don’t have to be perfect. All I have to do is show up and enjoy the messy, imperfect, and beautiful journey of my life. ” ~Kerry Washington

Each week we will present you with a truth or dare. It’s your job to tackle it with gusto and make it happen. Often, by just focusing on one change…just one, it’s much more palpable and achievable and becomes the jump start you need.

Dare (you knew it was coming): Get it in.
Get moving. This week challenge yourself every day (that’s 7 straight days, folks) to:

  • 10 push-ups (tight, straight plank – lower to the ground, squeeze up; do not arch your back or cheat on your knees)
  • 20 alternating lunges (one alternating right leg, left leg, count as one) – maintain a 90 degree angle on your front lunging foot, push off from your toe
  • 30 squats – shoulder width apart; knees and toes straight – sit down as if you are sitting in a chair, butt low, squeeze the glutes tight on the lift
  • 10 dips – start sitting on the ground – lift up into a “table” (pelvis up), dip your elbows up and down

It will take you all of 5 minutes. Note where you start at the beginning of the week – and where you end at the conclusion of the week. Having this type of repetition will challenge your muscles in a concentrated segment of time. Who knows – after you complete one week, you may want to continue (but up the anty – increase your numbers by 5-10 reps.

We don’t claim to know everything – so sometimes we have to ask the experts.

There is no doubt that most of us doubt ourselves on a daily basis (see how we did that?). Self-doubt is defined as “lacking in confidence in oneself and one’s abilities”. And sometimes, we just get in our own way of success or achievement. Imagine if you had no doubt or no fear? Even if we have done something many times in the past…it tends to creep in. But, why? And are there any benefits to self-doubt? We asked psychotherapist, Lauren Pardo, LCSW to help us dig a little deeper.  Here is her insight:

Self-doubt is a core, maladaptive belief which causes us to not trust ourselves or our innate abilities. It often causes feelings of inadequacy and causes us to seek advice/opinions from others for decisions. Self-doubters are trying to self-protect and ultimately rationalize their irrational thoughts.  Although, some amount of self-doubt can be beneficial as it can challenge us in a situation of discomfort, it can prevent a hubristic (excessively proud or self-confident) way of thinking

There are several implications for chronic self-doubt including a rise in cortisol levels, under and overachieving, interference with perseverance, personal will and determination, procrastination, avoidant behavior, depriving you of the opportunity to succeed, hyper-focus on perfectionism (will not settle for “good enough”) and not “showing up”.  Chronic self-doubters are more likely to have addiction and mental health concerns (anxiety, depression).
So how do you cope with self-doubt?
You need to learn to reprogram the self-doubt thoughts to self-acceptance thoughts.  Challenge the inner rumination by asking yourself “is that a thought I am having or a true fact?” Envision yourself talking to a friend who is in need of compassion – it is a helpful way to learn self-compassion (learning how to treat yourself with kindness). Focusing on the process, rather than the end result, will improve the outcome.
  • There are two great TED Talks by Brene Brown that can offer insight and guidance on self-doubt: “Vulnerability” and  “Listening to Shame”
  • Ground yourself – what connects you to you?  Being in nature?  Walk with a good, trusted friend?  Meditation? (love the Breethe app)
  • List 5 to 10 things you love about yourself (I know it may be hard when in true self-doubt mode, but if done earlier, it’s great to refer to)
  • Understand your strengths, we all have them
Just as a successful eating or fitness program can challenge you and create a body you are proud of, mentally challenging yourself to combat your thoughts of self-doubt is something everyone needs/deserves.
Lauren Pardo works out of Summit, NJ: lpardolcsw@gmail.com
Sickness. Everyone around us is sick. It’s unavoidable. Other than walking around with masks on (it’s become the new fashion trend) or in bubble wrap, we believe there are some incredible homeopathic preventative and healing options. And they work. We’ve tested them tried and true.

  • Elderberry – this is a well kept secret that is not so secret anymore.  It is an immunity booster that works quickly. Aside from making your own (which you can do), Elderberry is readily available – you just need a great source. We found 2 options that are said to be the strongest in the industry, that come highly recommended from nutritionists and health food specialist aficionados. Same brand, one is a syrup (9 carbs, 1 gram sugar) and one is an extract (0 carb, 0 sugar). Same potency. Local and an instant gratification kinda person? It’s available at The Health Shoppe on Springfield Ave in Summit.
  • Garlic – Garlic contains allicin – a powerful antibacterial only present shortly after garlic is crushed so you need to eat it raw, and quickly. It’s more satisfying than you think – mix it with ghee butter and put it on a cracker or small piece of bread. Tastes just like garlic bread. (caveat – your breathe might be kickin’ but it’s worth it).
  • Vitamin C – High doses of vitamin C are said to help kill the bugs causing sickness. It is a water-soluble vitamin and powerful antioxidant, and also helps the body form and maintain connective tissue, including bones, blood vessels, and skin. Our favorite option? Mega Foods (this is the “Farm to Table” brand we talked about in our last post). It is one of the purest forms available and is made from whole foods. Sometimes too much is too much, so try to stick to under 1,000mg/day.
  • Oregano Oil – Not gonna lie, this one has a very strong taste – but packs a punch. It is said to get rid of any respiratory ailments that you may have and it’s health benefits are attributed to it’s properties as antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, digestive, emmenagogue, and an anti-allergenic substance. Whew. We told you.
  • Tumeric – Tumeric has been widely recognized as an anti-oxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. Mixed with lemon, mint or green tea, honey and raw ginger – it’s a potion in which illness has no chance.
  • Gargling – This is a mom favorite from the 80’s and beyond…and it works. Salt and hot water, gargled in your throat. The salt is said to clean and kill bacteria in your throat and loosen up mucus.
  • Pineapple Juice – Fresh squeezed, organic pineapple juice contains bromelain, an enzyme found only in the stem and fruit of pineapples, that can help suppress coughs as well as loosen mucus. Side note: Bromelain may interact with antibiotics, so check with your doctor if you are taking any medications.
  • Pre and probiotics – we have preached before in multiple posts. Get your fill and continue to build up your microbiome.

Can you do all remedies together? YES. Alternate a remedy every two hours until you start to feel better.

Sometimes, you just gotta have it.

Whee!…It’s Ghee
We have been taught to avoid butter – due to saturated fat, dairy and excess calories. Not the case. We use Ghee butter when we want an alternative to dairy butter.  Why is ghee a healthier option? Ghee is a clarified butter that has a high smoke point (can be heated at high temps before it will start to smoke), it’s abundant in fat-soluble vitamins, it has no lactose or casein, it contains conjugated linoleic acid (a fatty acid with incredible health benefits), it’s loaded with butyrate (plays a central role in gut health), it has an intense buttery flavor, it strengthens your bones, it reduces inflammation, and contains vitamins A, D and E. This is our favorite.

Magic Fairy Dust
L-Glutamine, a free-form amino acid, and when converted to glutamic acid, it is a usable energy source for the brain and a precursor to the important inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). It improves gastrointestinal health because it is a vital nutrient for the intestines to rebuild and repair, helps heal ulcers and leaky gut by protecting from further damage, is an essential neurotransmitter in the brain and helps with memory, focus and concentration, improves IBS and diarrhea by balancing mucus production (healthy bowel movements), promotes muscle growth, improves athletic performance and recovery, improves metabolism and cellular detoxification, curbs cravings for sugar and alcohol, fights cancer and improves diabetes and blood sugar. We use it for all of those reasons – and found this one to be the best source. It doesn’t have much of a taste. You can sprinkle it in yogurt or blend into a smoothie. Contains no yeast, dairy, egg, gluten, soy, wheat, sugar, starch, salt, preservatives, or artificial color, flavor or fragrance. Source: Dr. Axe

All of our recipes will always be quick, healthy, easy, gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free, mostly dairy-free, SCD legal and Paleo friendly. And yes, all sorts of deliciousness.

This is a healthy, gluten free, filling power meal:

Cauliflower Grilled Cheese (slightly modified for ease)
(thank you, Lauren Miyashiro)


  • Organic cauliflower rice (available at Trader Joe’s)
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1/2 c. finely grated Parmesan
  • 1/2 tsp. oregano (optional)
  • 1 1/2 c. shredded white Cheddar
  1. Defrost cauliflower if frozen
  2. In a medium bowl, combine cauliflower, eggs, Parmesan and oregano. Mix until evenly combined then season with salt and pepper.
  3. Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat with olive or coconut oil. Scoop the cauliflower mixture on one side of the pan and shape into a bread shape.  Repeat to form a second patty on the other side. (These are your “bread” slices.) Press down on both pieces with a spatula and cook until golden underneath, about 5 minutes. Flip and cook until the other sides are golden, about 3 minutes more.
  4. Top one cauliflower slice with cheese then place the other cauliflower slice on top. Cook until the cheese is melted, about 2 minutes more per side. Repeat with remaining ingredients.

Are you lovin’ Heels To Laces? Please share. If you tell a friend and they tell a friend, and so on, and so on….think what an amazing community we will build. Sign up here.
Follow us on Facebook and Insta. PS. We love you too.

Have a product you’d like us to try and review for potential inclusion in our newsletter? Simply contact us: info@heelstolaces.com

Let the fun continue…Follow us on Instagram & Facebook to get daily doses of inspiration, knowledge & recipes.

Disclosure: some product recommendations are affiliate sites, which simply means we get a small compensation from the companies that sell the products we endorse. We will never endorse a product we do not personally use or love. Opinions expressed are solely those of Heels To Laces.


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Holy Cow!

Heels To Laces is on a mission to break through the clutter of health and fitness and make it easier to live healthier – and have a ton of fun doing it.

As always, we love interaction so email us, comment, share and send your thoughts.

“New Year. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery. Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to change.”~ Sarah Ban Breathnach

Each week we will present you with a truth or dare. It’s your job to tackle it with gusto and make it happen. Often, by just focusing on one change…just one, it’s much more palpable and achievable and becomes the jump start you need. This week is a we ask you to question a truth.

Truth: Do you eat too much processed food?
Research published in BMJ Journal shows that ultra-processed foods make up 58% of all of the calories and 90% of the added sugars the average American consumes in a given day. And 75% of the average American’s sodium consumption (which is about 1.5 times the RDA of sodium per day, according to the CDC {Center for Disease Control and Prevention}) comes from processed foods, per Harvard University*.

Yada yada – “don’t eat processed food” – you hear it all the time. But have you wondered why you can’t lose that extra 5 pounds or can’t get rid of that extra layer on your stomach? Our bodies do not know how to process processed foods – so we store them as fat.  If you simply removed processed foods from your diet, betting you would see a significant change.

*Source: Women’s Health

We don’t claim to know everything – so sometimes we have to ask the experts. You all know, we do not condone diets. It’s one of the most searched terms in a new year, and one of the most dangerous – as it implies “temporary”. We’re here to tell you, you never have to go on a diet again.

What can you do? This week, we asked Laura Deutsch -certified health coach, busy mom, and healthy eating enthusiast, what is the best way to tackle 2018 with a healthy eating vengeance that is “doable” and allows you to stick with it.  We like the way Laura thinks.  This is what she said:

Eat More in 2018. (hallelujah! a woman after our own philosophy!)
If you have made a new year’s resolution to ‘eat better’, odds are your resolution will not last.  I know, the truth hurts! I also bet that by ‘eating better’ you probably decided to not eat certain foods groups (sugar, meat, dairy, wine!) – whatever your vice, you are done with it. Unless you are on a program for medical reasons, it is hard to stick to never eating certain foods, especially when you love them, without quickly breaking resolutions and …feeling like you failed.

So this year, perhaps you make your resolution to eat MORE!  More vegetables, that is. Why vegetables?

  1. They are the healthiest foods on earth
  2. They contain tons of fiber which most of us do not get enough of
  3. They contain water which helps us hydrate (you should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces every day)
  4. Eating lots of veggies may reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, certain types of cancers, and risk of bone loss

What is so incredible about merely adding vegetables to your diet? By default, you will not eat as much of the other stuff because you are full from the good stuff!

So just how many vegetables are enough?  Try to consume between 5 and 13 servings of vegetables per day.  That comes to about 2 1/2 to 6 1/2 cups daily.   According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) less than 14% of Americans consume enough. So now the question remains – how do you do this?

  1. Have a smoothie for breakfast.  You can easily throw in 2 1/2 cups of spinach in one smoothie, not even taste it, and already meet the minimum requirement by 9 AM.
  2. Have a salad at lunch every day.
  3.  Have crudite at 5:00 – cut up vegetables and yogurt dip – and watch it disappear (kids will devour it too!)

Incorporate even just one of these ideas into your way of eating and you are winning.

Jump starting your health and including more vegetables in your diet can feel a bit intimidating – so I created the Fresh Start 28 program: a 4-week online course that includes videos, recipes, meal plans, and step-by-step directions on how to seamlessly include tons of vegetables into your diet. And lucky Heels To Laces subscribers get (thank you HtoL!). Make 2018 your year to eat more, not less.

Laura owns Instill Health and specializes in showing moms, no matter how busy they are, ways to incorporate healthy, balanced meals and snacks into their diets.

A healthier milk?
There is no doubt there is a ton of research on dairy and its inflammatory properties.  Classic symptoms of dairy sensitivity include respiratory & digestive problems, mucus build-up, gas, bloating, diarrhea, fatigue, joint pains, and skin issues. There are two components in dairy that can lead to these issues: casein (protein) and lactose (sugar).

Many avoid dairy because they experience symptoms after ingesting milk or cheese.  Many people have a lactose intolerance – they don’t produce the lactase enzyme required to break down lactose. People who do produce the lactase enzyme but still react poorly to milk are responding to the two proteins found in milk, casein (with a molecular structure similar to gluten) and whey. Many may think they have a lactose intolerance, yet it might be a difficulty digesting the protein casein.

Most people with lactose intolerance can eat foods that contain casein & whey (the proteins, not sugars). A lactose free product does not necessarily mean it is dairy free. A dairy allergy is often related to the casein.

Most of the milk we ingest is from cows that naturally mutated to produce a mix of A1 and A2 casein proteins. Published research suggests these A1 caseins can be the culprit for a large percentage of the population with digestive issues.

There is a milk called A2 that has received a lot of press lately. Their milk comes from cows that naturally produce only the pure A2 protein and none of the A1. You can find out more here (ps – there is a $1 off a half gallon on their site). The jury is still out – as this is a newer product, but it does get us thinking. We’ve tried the A2 milk and it’s quite delicious, with no discomfort issues as with other milks. However, more research is needed to determine if this addresses the inflammatory properties of dairy. For those that are lactose intolerant, it may not matter. For others who have a reaction to casein, this could be something interesting to watch.

We still believe in reduced dairy in your diet – however not all dairy is created equal. Butter and many cheeses contain zero grams of carbohydrate, which means they contain zero grams of sugar. And zero sugar means zero lactose, or at least close to it. In addition, the higher the fat content, the less the lactose.

A food sensitivity test can help you determine what your body reacts to – it can be pretty eye-opening. If you need a resource, contact us: info@heelstolaces.com

Sometimes, you just gotta have it…

Calm Down
More than ever we are seeing people stressed out, overwhelmed, over-booked, over-inundated and unable to de-stress. We are not sleeping, not eating right and overly anxious. If you are experiencing any of these, you can get relief. This product, labeled the “anti-stress drink” is a natural magnesium supplement that has natural calming properties. It can also help with constipation.

Get A Little Wild
We have scoured the land for a healthy granola –  most of them have additives, high sugars, syrups, soy lecithin. Oh, did we stumble on a find. All the buzz words we look for: grain free, gluten free, non GMO, sugar free and even vegan. It’s time to get a little wild.

A Little Sweetness
Sometimes you need something sweet but just don’t want to go overboard. These cinnamon gems hit the spot. They offer the crunch, the sweetness and the snacking craving. Yes, we are bananas.

All of our recipes will always be quick, healthy, easy, gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free, mostly dairy-free, SCD legal and Paleo friendly. And yes, all sorts of deliciousness.

This has now become a staple in our fridge. Green Pea and Parsley Hummus. Stacked with protein, tons of vitamins, dose of veggie overload, addictive and so, so very easy to make. Game changer.


1 1/3 cups thawed frozen green peas
1/2 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
1/2 cup tahini
1/4 cup warm water
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
2 garlic cloves

Chopped Raw vegetables

(note: Trader Joe’s has organic frozen peas and organic tahini in a jar)


Place peas, parsley, tahini, 1/4 cup warm water, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and garlic in a food processor; process until smooth. (Blend in more water, 1 Tbsp. at a time, if hummus is too thick.) Serve with raw vegetables.

Best to double the recipe.

source: Cooking Light

Have a product you’d like us to try and review for potential inclusion in our newsletter? Simply contact us: info@heelstolaces.com

Let the fun continue…Follow us on Instagram & Facebook to get daily doses of inspiration, knowledge & recipes.

Disclosure: some product recommendations are affiliate sites, which simply means we get a small compensation from the companies that sell the products we endorse. We will never endorse a product we do not personally use or love. Opinions expressed are solely those of Heels To Laces.


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