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Mental Health


OMG! I’m stuck at home. Now what?

Heels To Laces is on a mission to break through the clutter of health and fitness and make it easier to live healthier – and have a ton of fun doing it. As always, we love interaction so email us, comment, share and send your thoughts.


“You always have the choice to be happy, learn to understand the bumps in the road, grow from them and stay positive.” 


We totally understand the challenges of keeping with your fitness routine while you are quarantined, your gym is closed or you do not have home equipment.

We hear you and we want to help.

We will be posting workouts that are a combination of strength training (using body weight) and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). You can do it anywhere. Do the workout once or repeat it as many times as you like for a 20, 30, 40, 50 or even 60-minute workout (that 60 minute is gonna be killer). Try to do the workout 3-4 times a week.

New workouts will be posted on our YouTube Channel frequently so you have others to choose from. Enjoy and make the most of this time!


There are some things you can do to help keep your immunity strong.

Watch this for some easy things to incorporate into your daily routine – and links below on where to order.

Vitamin C


Oregano Oil

One thing that was not mentioned…fermented foods are great for building good bacteria in your gut. Apple cider vinegar, lemon, fermented foods (sauerkraut), etc.

It’s also a good idea to eat green, leafy vegetables and take a Vitamin D supplement.


We want to try to make this new way of life a little easier for you. If you need any information, specific workouts or have any questions, please reach out: info@heelstolaces.com

Are you lovin’ Heels To Laces? Please share. If you tell a friend and they tell a friend, and so on, and so on….think what an amazing community we will build. Sign up here. Follow us on Facebook and Insta. 

PS. We love you too.

Disclosure: some product recommendations are affiliate sites, which simply means we get a small compensation from the companies that sell the products we endorse. We will never endorse a product we do not personally use or love. Opinions expressed are solely those of Heels To Laces.
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What Would You Do For A Klondike Bar?

Heels To Laces is on a mission to break through the clutter of health and fitness and make it easier to live healthier – and have a ton of fun doing it.

As always, we love interaction so email us, comment, share and send your thoughts.

“Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible.” ~Mandy Hale

Each post we will present you with a truth or dare. All you have to do is tackle it with gusto and make it happen. Often, by just focusing on one change…just one, it’s much more palpable and achievable and becomes the jump start you need.

Dare: Read the label.
We often get cravings and sometimes there is nothing we can do to stop it. How often do you just pick up a “go-to” food without thinking based on habit or an impression by the label that it’s “healthy”? It lands in your cart, then at the register, then in your cabinet or freezer then on your couch. And somehow, someway, it disappears.

Here’s a trick – read the ingredients. Let’s dissect a few of the ingredients in a Klondike bar – in order of highest to lowest amount:  Sugar, Corn Syrup, Maltodextrin, Propylene Glycol Monoesters, Mono and Diglycerides, Cellulose Gum, Locust Bean Gum, Guar Gum, Carrageenan, Cellulose Gel, Polysorbate 80, Annatto (for Color). Still want it?

Reading ingredients is the key to picking healthier choices. Try not to have blind faith in the marketing promises (“non-GMO”, “healthy”, “natural”, “gluten free”). Even “organic” isn’t always healthy (yes, they make an organic pop tart). So, no need to do a crazy deed for a bar you don’t need – chances are, once you read the label, you’ll lose interest.

We don’t claim to know everything – so sometimes we have to ask the experts. Our latest guru is Bob Roth. We didn’t exactly talk to Bob Roth, but he spoke to us through his book, “Strength in Stillness – The Power of Transcendental Meditation.”

It’s Time To Start
If you’ve even contemplated meditation – consider this your wake-up call. Bob enlightens us, that according to research, stress hits us in at least 3 distinct, often debilitating ways: On the muscular or structural level – we tense our bodies in the form of tension headaches, stiff neck or shoulders, tight jaw, grinding our teeth or constricting our blood vessels  which restricts oxygen to the brain or heart (read: stroke/heart attack);  On the level of cognitive functioning – reducing circulation to the brain and skewing electrical activity (our brains shut down); and stimulating the adrenal gland to secrete too much cortisol (the “stress hormone”) which feeds anxiety and becomes a viscous cycle (destroys healthy muscle & bones, slows healing and normal cell regeneration, impairs digestion, metabolism and mental functioning and weakens the immune system).

The list goes on…

Unaddressed stress can be debilitating – and slowly, over time, break your body down until it becomes much harder to reverse the damage and it takes a serious toll on your mind and body.

Meditation has an incredible impact on your approach and reaction to life’s daily challenges and helps you enjoy the moment rather than just trying to “get through it”. You do not have to sit cross-legged and chant “ohmmm”. It can be as short as 1-2 minutes in the morning and the same in the evening. Once you start, you will find you miss it when you don’t incorporate it into your day.

Transcendental Meditation is like the Rolls-Royce of meditation. The book offers valuable insight into the benefits of meditation and can be used for that sole purpose. If you want to start smaller (and faster), we suggest Insight Timer. It’s free, it’s user-friendly and you can customize it to your needs.

Cheer’s to a more Zen you.

Kick it up. For all you Italians, you know this spice all too well…Oregano Oil is the new superhero. It is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic. The benefits are almost too long to list. So, we’ll tackle the most prominent:

Numerous scientific studies have confirmed it’s ability to destroy infectious germs (viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites). It has been proven to be as effective as prescription antibiotics against bacteria. It’s strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain-killing) properties help alleviate pain and inflammation. It attacks invading pathogens and relieves discomfort. Oregano oil also has the ability to loosen mucus in sinuses and lungs, acting as an expectorant and helps relieve coughing. It helps relieve gas upset, settles the digestive system and helps soothe inflamed tissue in the stomach and intestines.

In addition, it is a powerful anti-oxidant, increases white blood cell activity, helps reduce fever and helps remove toxins and poisons.

Might sound too good to be true, but it works. It’s super powerful (also in taste and smell). 1-2 drops will do you (highly suggest dilluting in water or other beverage). It can be used topically or ingested.

There are two that are ranked as the purest and most effective: this is our favorite, and this a close 2nd.

Sometimes, you just gotta have it.

Just because it feels like the middle of winter does not mean Spring is not here – it’s inevitable allergies will flare (this year they are saying 2 wks vs. 4 – so there’s that). There is a pretty amazing homeopathic remedy we swear by – originally discovered for kids, but we found an adult version. Includes Vitamin C, Quercetin Dihydrate, Stinging Nettles Leaf, Bromelain (from pineapple) and N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine. This stuff is the bomb.

Night, Night
Put down the sleeping pills. We’ve got a new, topical dream catcher to get your sleep-on. This sleep lotion gives you a deep, peaceful sleep with one swoosh. It is scientifically formulated to help you fall asleep within just minutes of use, it’s made from ethically sourced, plant-based ingredients that can give you a deeper sleep, it can improve hydration for those with dry & aging skin and oh, it’s 100% money back guarantee. Oh, and we scored you a 30% off discount. You’re welcome, for your 8 hours.

Yes, Please!
There’s a new company in town and we want to be the first to tell you about it. We all know the health benefits of coffee. Now, you can have it delivered to your home (over 350 varieties to choose from, matched to your preferences). It’s like Match.com for coffee. And because you are one of our loyal followers, we’ve scored you your first bag FREE. Just enter promo code vipnk54yave at checkout. Happy coffee’ing.

All of our recipes will always be quick, healthy, easy, gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free, mostly dairy-free, SCD legal and Paleo friendly. And yes, all sorts of deliciousness.

This one is addictive.

Cinnamon Coffee Cake (Elanaspantry.com)


  • 2½ cups blanched almond flour
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • ½ cup honey
  • 3 large eggs


  • ¼ cup coconut oil, melted
  • ¼ cup raw, organic honey
  • 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
  • ½ cup sliced almonds

Grease a 9″ cake pan with coconut oil and dust with almond flour. In a food processor, combine almond flour, salt, and baking soda. Pulse in coconut oil, honey, and eggs. Spread the batter into prepared baking dish.

To make topping, combine coconut oil, honey, cinnamon and sliced almonds in a small bowl. Drizzle topping over cake batter.

Bake at 350° for 25-35 minutes. Cool and serve.

Are you lovin’ Heels To Laces? Please share. If you tell a friend and they tell a friend, and so on, and so on….think what an amazing community we will build. Sign up here.
Follow us on Facebook and Insta. 

PS. We love you too.

Have a product you’d like us to try and review for potential inclusion in our newsletter? Simply contact us: info@heelstolaces.com

Let the fun continue…Follow us on Instagram & Facebook to get daily doses of inspiration, knowledge & recipes.

Disclosure: some product recommendations are affiliate sites, which simply means we get a small compensation from the companies that sell the products we endorse. We will never endorse a product we do not personally use or love. Opinions expressed are solely those of Heels To Laces.
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When In Doubt, Don’t…

Heels To Laces is on a mission to break through the clutter of health and fitness and make it easier to live healthier – and have a ton of fun doing it.

As always, we love interaction so email us, comment, share and send your thoughts.

“I don’t have to be perfect. All I have to do is show up and enjoy the messy, imperfect, and beautiful journey of my life. ” ~Kerry Washington

Each week we will present you with a truth or dare. It’s your job to tackle it with gusto and make it happen. Often, by just focusing on one change…just one, it’s much more palpable and achievable and becomes the jump start you need.

Dare (you knew it was coming): Get it in.
Get moving. This week challenge yourself every day (that’s 7 straight days, folks) to:

  • 10 push-ups (tight, straight plank – lower to the ground, squeeze up; do not arch your back or cheat on your knees)
  • 20 alternating lunges (one alternating right leg, left leg, count as one) – maintain a 90 degree angle on your front lunging foot, push off from your toe
  • 30 squats – shoulder width apart; knees and toes straight – sit down as if you are sitting in a chair, butt low, squeeze the glutes tight on the lift
  • 10 dips – start sitting on the ground – lift up into a “table” (pelvis up), dip your elbows up and down

It will take you all of 5 minutes. Note where you start at the beginning of the week – and where you end at the conclusion of the week. Having this type of repetition will challenge your muscles in a concentrated segment of time. Who knows – after you complete one week, you may want to continue (but up the anty – increase your numbers by 5-10 reps.

We don’t claim to know everything – so sometimes we have to ask the experts.

There is no doubt that most of us doubt ourselves on a daily basis (see how we did that?). Self-doubt is defined as “lacking in confidence in oneself and one’s abilities”. And sometimes, we just get in our own way of success or achievement. Imagine if you had no doubt or no fear? Even if we have done something many times in the past…it tends to creep in. But, why? And are there any benefits to self-doubt? We asked psychotherapist, Lauren Pardo, LCSW to help us dig a little deeper.  Here is her insight:

Self-doubt is a core, maladaptive belief which causes us to not trust ourselves or our innate abilities. It often causes feelings of inadequacy and causes us to seek advice/opinions from others for decisions. Self-doubters are trying to self-protect and ultimately rationalize their irrational thoughts.  Although, some amount of self-doubt can be beneficial as it can challenge us in a situation of discomfort, it can prevent a hubristic (excessively proud or self-confident) way of thinking

There are several implications for chronic self-doubt including a rise in cortisol levels, under and overachieving, interference with perseverance, personal will and determination, procrastination, avoidant behavior, depriving you of the opportunity to succeed, hyper-focus on perfectionism (will not settle for “good enough”) and not “showing up”.  Chronic self-doubters are more likely to have addiction and mental health concerns (anxiety, depression).
So how do you cope with self-doubt?
You need to learn to reprogram the self-doubt thoughts to self-acceptance thoughts.  Challenge the inner rumination by asking yourself “is that a thought I am having or a true fact?” Envision yourself talking to a friend who is in need of compassion – it is a helpful way to learn self-compassion (learning how to treat yourself with kindness). Focusing on the process, rather than the end result, will improve the outcome.
  • There are two great TED Talks by Brene Brown that can offer insight and guidance on self-doubt: “Vulnerability” and  “Listening to Shame”
  • Ground yourself – what connects you to you?  Being in nature?  Walk with a good, trusted friend?  Meditation? (love the Breethe app)
  • List 5 to 10 things you love about yourself (I know it may be hard when in true self-doubt mode, but if done earlier, it’s great to refer to)
  • Understand your strengths, we all have them
Just as a successful eating or fitness program can challenge you and create a body you are proud of, mentally challenging yourself to combat your thoughts of self-doubt is something everyone needs/deserves.
Lauren Pardo works out of Summit, NJ: lpardolcsw@gmail.com
Sickness. Everyone around us is sick. It’s unavoidable. Other than walking around with masks on (it’s become the new fashion trend) or in bubble wrap, we believe there are some incredible homeopathic preventative and healing options. And they work. We’ve tested them tried and true.

  • Elderberry – this is a well kept secret that is not so secret anymore.  It is an immunity booster that works quickly. Aside from making your own (which you can do), Elderberry is readily available – you just need a great source. We found 2 options that are said to be the strongest in the industry, that come highly recommended from nutritionists and health food specialist aficionados. Same brand, one is a syrup (9 carbs, 1 gram sugar) and one is an extract (0 carb, 0 sugar). Same potency. Local and an instant gratification kinda person? It’s available at The Health Shoppe on Springfield Ave in Summit.
  • Garlic – Garlic contains allicin – a powerful antibacterial only present shortly after garlic is crushed so you need to eat it raw, and quickly. It’s more satisfying than you think – mix it with ghee butter and put it on a cracker or small piece of bread. Tastes just like garlic bread. (caveat – your breathe might be kickin’ but it’s worth it).
  • Vitamin C – High doses of vitamin C are said to help kill the bugs causing sickness. It is a water-soluble vitamin and powerful antioxidant, and also helps the body form and maintain connective tissue, including bones, blood vessels, and skin. Our favorite option? Mega Foods (this is the “Farm to Table” brand we talked about in our last post). It is one of the purest forms available and is made from whole foods. Sometimes too much is too much, so try to stick to under 1,000mg/day.
  • Oregano Oil – Not gonna lie, this one has a very strong taste – but packs a punch. It is said to get rid of any respiratory ailments that you may have and it’s health benefits are attributed to it’s properties as antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, digestive, emmenagogue, and an anti-allergenic substance. Whew. We told you.
  • Tumeric – Tumeric has been widely recognized as an anti-oxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. Mixed with lemon, mint or green tea, honey and raw ginger – it’s a potion in which illness has no chance.
  • Gargling – This is a mom favorite from the 80’s and beyond…and it works. Salt and hot water, gargled in your throat. The salt is said to clean and kill bacteria in your throat and loosen up mucus.
  • Pineapple Juice – Fresh squeezed, organic pineapple juice contains bromelain, an enzyme found only in the stem and fruit of pineapples, that can help suppress coughs as well as loosen mucus. Side note: Bromelain may interact with antibiotics, so check with your doctor if you are taking any medications.
  • Pre and probiotics – we have preached before in multiple posts. Get your fill and continue to build up your microbiome.

Can you do all remedies together? YES. Alternate a remedy every two hours until you start to feel better.

Sometimes, you just gotta have it.

Whee!…It’s Ghee
We have been taught to avoid butter – due to saturated fat, dairy and excess calories. Not the case. We use Ghee butter when we want an alternative to dairy butter.  Why is ghee a healthier option? Ghee is a clarified butter that has a high smoke point (can be heated at high temps before it will start to smoke), it’s abundant in fat-soluble vitamins, it has no lactose or casein, it contains conjugated linoleic acid (a fatty acid with incredible health benefits), it’s loaded with butyrate (plays a central role in gut health), it has an intense buttery flavor, it strengthens your bones, it reduces inflammation, and contains vitamins A, D and E. This is our favorite.

Magic Fairy Dust
L-Glutamine, a free-form amino acid, and when converted to glutamic acid, it is a usable energy source for the brain and a precursor to the important inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). It improves gastrointestinal health because it is a vital nutrient for the intestines to rebuild and repair, helps heal ulcers and leaky gut by protecting from further damage, is an essential neurotransmitter in the brain and helps with memory, focus and concentration, improves IBS and diarrhea by balancing mucus production (healthy bowel movements), promotes muscle growth, improves athletic performance and recovery, improves metabolism and cellular detoxification, curbs cravings for sugar and alcohol, fights cancer and improves diabetes and blood sugar. We use it for all of those reasons – and found this one to be the best source. It doesn’t have much of a taste. You can sprinkle it in yogurt or blend into a smoothie. Contains no yeast, dairy, egg, gluten, soy, wheat, sugar, starch, salt, preservatives, or artificial color, flavor or fragrance. Source: Dr. Axe

All of our recipes will always be quick, healthy, easy, gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free, mostly dairy-free, SCD legal and Paleo friendly. And yes, all sorts of deliciousness.

This is a healthy, gluten free, filling power meal:

Cauliflower Grilled Cheese (slightly modified for ease)
(thank you, Lauren Miyashiro)


  • Organic cauliflower rice (available at Trader Joe’s)
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1/2 c. finely grated Parmesan
  • 1/2 tsp. oregano (optional)
  • 1 1/2 c. shredded white Cheddar
  1. Defrost cauliflower if frozen
  2. In a medium bowl, combine cauliflower, eggs, Parmesan and oregano. Mix until evenly combined then season with salt and pepper.
  3. Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat with olive or coconut oil. Scoop the cauliflower mixture on one side of the pan and shape into a bread shape.  Repeat to form a second patty on the other side. (These are your “bread” slices.) Press down on both pieces with a spatula and cook until golden underneath, about 5 minutes. Flip and cook until the other sides are golden, about 3 minutes more.
  4. Top one cauliflower slice with cheese then place the other cauliflower slice on top. Cook until the cheese is melted, about 2 minutes more per side. Repeat with remaining ingredients.

Are you lovin’ Heels To Laces? Please share. If you tell a friend and they tell a friend, and so on, and so on….think what an amazing community we will build. Sign up here.
Follow us on Facebook and Insta. PS. We love you too.

Have a product you’d like us to try and review for potential inclusion in our newsletter? Simply contact us: info@heelstolaces.com

Let the fun continue…Follow us on Instagram & Facebook to get daily doses of inspiration, knowledge & recipes.

Disclosure: some product recommendations are affiliate sites, which simply means we get a small compensation from the companies that sell the products we endorse. We will never endorse a product we do not personally use or love. Opinions expressed are solely those of Heels To Laces.


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