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20 Healthy Things You Can Do For Yourself Today…In 10 Minutes or Less

1. Drink 8-12 oz of water first thing in the morning – helps empty your bowels, flush out toxins and hydrate you for the first part of the day

2. Straighten your posture and lower your shoulders – releases tension and stress, resets your spine and strengthens your core10 min

3. Take a probiotic to balance the bacteria in your stomach – remarkable healing powers

4. Replace your sugar snack with a protein snack – lite cheese stick, nuts, peanut butter, Greek yogurt, egg…helps build muscle throughout the day and keep your sugar levels balanced

5. Resist the impulse purchase of a candy bar and eat fruit instead – the benefits of fresh fruit far outweigh the sugar high and crash from a processed candy bar…and you will be fuller, longer

6. Sprinkle your food with organic 100% whole ground flaxseed – provides high fiber, protein, lignans (antioxidants) & omega-3’s (healthy, beneficial fats)

7. Eat slowly – pause 2 seconds between bites…helps you eat less, realize you are fuller, quicker and helps you digest your food more efficiently

8. Conquer a fear – provides an amazing sense of accomplishment and encourages you to challenge yourself even more

9. Climb the stairs – works your quads, hamstrings, butt and heart

10. Drink a skim latte with cinnamon (1 sugar/syrup pump or less) – high dose of protein, healthy caffeine & cinnamon to raise your metabolism

11. Tell someone how good they look– the reward from making someone feel good is worth every second

12. Have oatmeal for a healthy breakfast or snack – perfect balance of complex carbs, protein and fat and will keep you full for hours

13. Ask for your salad dressing on the side – salad dressing can sabotage a healthy lunch with high fat, empty calories and chemicals – dip your fork in first, then take a bite of salad

14. Take a slow, deep breath and exhale. Repeat. – it will reset your mind and stress level

15. Wake up 10 minutes earlier so you don’t have to rush – imagine how much calm you will add to your morning

16. Park far away from where you have to go and walk there briskly – gets in a quick cardio burst and fills your lunges with fresh air (while you are at it, return the cart too) 😉

17. Stand up and stretch – hold each stretch for at least 6 seconds, repeat…really try to elongate your spine – helps stretch your muscles and reset your body

18. Squeeze your buttocks whenever you stand and hold the contraction – this full body isometric hold will tighten your butt and strengthen your abs – wait until you see the results in lift!

19. While watching TV, do as many push-ups as you can during the commercials – will strengthen your upper body and core and keep you from going to the cabinet for a snack (it’s ok to drop to your knees)

20. Have sex – helps improve your immune system, counts as exercise, releases endorphins and Oxycontin to eliminate stress, anxiety and depression and helps you sleep better!

To be continued…

  • Debra

    My favorite is #18!!

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